Hello Beauty,

  • You wanna skip your workout and hide at Starbucks? I commend you.
  • Are you secretly addicted to the Kardashians and think Kim really does deserve a star on The Walk of Fame? I’m not here to judge.
  • Do you tell your boss, husband, child you’re at the doctor when you’re really getting a facial with me? My lips are sealed. (This happened TWICE last week. No lie.)

There’s those that know & follow the rules of the HOA like the bible and those who think of stop signs as suggestions. There’s rule followers and rule breakers. I happen to come from a long line of rule breakers but there’s ONE rule my conscious won’t let you break – TAKING YOUR MAKEUP OFF EVERY SINGLE NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE.

I’ve seen the build up that comes from poor cleansing habits. It ain’t pretty. It accentuates your lines and builds in your pores, stretching them and filling them with dirty black oil. I read an article in 17 magazine when I was around 13 claiming “You age a year for every night you sleep in your makeup”. — Just sayin’

cg_exacteyelights_eyebrightening_mascara_2[1]And don’t forget to remove your eye makeup. One of the cleanest mascaras on the market right now is Covergirl’s Exact Eyelights Eye Brightening Mascara. It washes right off with water. No harsh chemicals, doesn’t flake and costs so little you can afford to replace it before it starts getting old.mascara1

If you feel you just have to have waterproof mascara, the least expensive, most effective and most natural makeup remover is something you probably already have – Coconut Oil.

Bonus Makeup Trick: When applying mascara, start at the root of your lashes, building a nice coat at the base, rolling the wand to the tips. This will give excellent definition to your eyes. If you have more hooded eyes with very little lid visible, it will act as your liner.